Environment Journal Packet
Lesson 1: Using the Rule of Thirds - Usando la regla de los tercio
Lesson 2: Self Portrait/Portraits - Autorretrato/Retratos
Lesson 3: Recreating Art History Still Lifes - Recreando bodegones de la historia del arte
Lesson 4: Telling a Story - Contando una Historia
Lesson 5: Working in Black & White - Trabajando en blanco y negro
Lesson 6: Shadow Play & Night Photography - Juego de sombras y fotografía nocturna
Lesson 7: Filter It! - ¡Filtralo!
Lesson 8: Creating a Series - Crear una serie
Elements of Art Work Packet
Photography Lessons by Jay Khan
Lesson 1: Graffiti Style Block Letters
Lesson 3: Optical Illusion Art
Lesson 5: Origami Frog
Lesson 7: Charcoal Nature Rubbings
Lesson 2: Origami Heart Bookmark
Lesson 4: Sunflower Tissue Paper Collage
Lesson 6: Watercolor Pencil Color Wheel
Lesson 8: Color Theory Clay Rainbow
Lesson 1: Papel Picado
Lesson 3: Watercolor Landscape
Lesson 5: Mixed Media
Lesson 7: Flower Vase Mixed Media Collage
Lesson 2: Paper Animal Molas
Lesson 4: Abstract Tree
Lesson 6: Henri Matisse Collage
Lesson 8: Statement Poster
Lesson 1
Lesson 3
Lesson 2
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Bubble Letters by Vanessa Ledesma
Animals Natural Habitat Landscapes by Vanessa Ledesma
Yayoi Kusama Polka Dot Pop Art by Vanessa Ledesma
Paper Weaving Wall Hanging by Vanessa Ledesma
Dream Room Drawing by Venessa Ledesma and
Pop Art Handprints by Vanessa Ledesma
Abstract Doodle Drawing by Vanessa Ledesma
Collaborative Animal Hybrid Drawing
Construction Paper Cityscape by Vanessa Ledesma
Optical Illusion Hand by Vanessa Ledesma
Cubism Portrait by Vanessa Ledesma
Lesson 1: Bubble Letters
Lesson 3: Draw Your Favorite Person
Lesson 5: Space Drawing
Lesson 7: Comic Book Covers
Lesson 2: Paper Folding Art
Lesson 4: Visual Poems
Lesson 6: Pixel Drawings
Lesson 8: Food Art
Lesson 1: Still Life Contour Drawings
Lesson 3: Animal Posters
Lesson 5: Shapes and Shading
Lesson 7: Paper Mosaics
Lesson 2: Superhero Self Portrait
Lesson 4: Cartoon Character Drawings
Lesson 6: Drawing with Different Materials
Lesson 8: Watercolor Still Life Painting
Accordion Books by Katie Simpson
Abstract Pet Portrait by Katie Simpson
Still Life Drawings by Katie Simpson
Neighborhood Landscape Line Drawing by Katie Simpson
How to Draw a Face by Katie Simpson
Observational Nature Drawings by Katie Simpson
Doodle Challenge click here for PDF
Shape Composition Game click here for PDF
Exquisite Corpse click here for PDF
Breath Drawing Game by Katie Simpson
Night Drawings by Katie Simpson
Color Wheel Spinners by Katie Simpson
Color Wheels by Katie Simpson
House Book by Katie Simpson
Sketch Books! by Katie Simpson
Shadow and Light Still Life Drawing by Katie Simpson
Take a Line for a Walk Drawing Game by Katie Simpson
Contour Drawings by Katie Simpson
Monotype Printing by Katie Simpson
Block Prints with Styrofoam by Katie Simpson
Self-Portrait Drawings by Katie Simpson
Comic Strips by Katie Simpson
Backyard Botanical Drawings by Katie Simpson
Collagraph Prints by Katie Simpson
Japanese Book Binding by Katie Simpson
Found Object Sculpture by Katie Simpson
Lesson 1 - Who Shot the Serif?
Lesson 3 - Lettering Part 1
Lesson 2 - Bubble Letters
Lesson 4 - Lettering Part 2
Lesson 5 - Fun Fills
Lesson 6 - Calligraphy
Lesson 1 - FlipoRama Style
Lesson 3 - Animated Names
Lesson 2 - Stampimation
Lesson 4 - How to Digitize Your Animations
Lesson 5 - Smudge Motion
Lesson 6 - Stop Motion
Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Do It Yourself Mini Comic Book
Paper Helicopter
The Impossible Triangle!
Post-It Note Flip Book